All Episodes
Gluttony, The Body, and Sin
Is obesity a sin? What exactly is gluttony and how do we use it as a model for how we address sin? This week Cam and Luke react to a video where someone claims that ob...
Does God Have a Calling on Your Life?
Are you called by God? Are you called into ministry? Is the only calling there is for full-time ministry or does God have a calling for all people? This week we talk a...
Preaching Romans and the Call to Ministry
This week we talk about our experiences in preaching and how it affects our understanding of scripture. We finish with talking about the call into ministry.
Responding to Deconstruction
Cameron and Luke take time to respond to several comments and messages from their last podcast episode. Those questions cover things like the role of faith, miracles, ...
What's Behind People Deconstructing Faith?
Deconstruction is a big buzz word, but why does it seem like everyone is doing it? Are there patterns as to why people deconstruct their faith? Are there even some rea...
Andy Stanley, Homosexuality, and A Pastoral Response
This week, we pick up our conversation from last week. How should Christians and churches strive to honor God but also love others? We talk about church discipline and...
Israel - A Theological and Pastoral Response | Bonus Episode
The world is reeling as war has broken out between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Everyone has a hot take and is rushing to pick sides. In this bonus episode of the uncut ...
Unpacking Andy Stanley, Albert Mohler & The Unconditional Conference
Andy Stanley and Alber Mohler. Over the course of the last few weeks, the controversy surrounding Andy Stanley's decision to host the Unconditional Conference has draw...
How to Grow Spiritually Part 2
This week, we follow up on our last episode and dig into how someone grows spiritually. Too often, the impact of community or the benefit of contemplative spirituality...
How Do You Grow Spiritually?
How do you actually grow as a follower of Jesus? What if some of the most common ways Christian growth is discussed falls short. Cameron and Luke talk about what it lo...
When Is It Okay To Leave a Church?
When is it time to walk out the door of a church? What are legitimate reasons to consider finding another church? This week, Cameron and Luke discuss reasons someone m...
What's the Deal with Christian Nationalism?
In this episode of the Uncut Podcast, we discuss the role of conservative evangelicals in politics and the dangers of mixing politics and religion. Why does politics s...
Do Jesus & Politics Mix?
What do we do with our faith and our political convictions? Does the Bible dictate all of our political beliefs? Is Jesus American? This week, pastor Cameron and Luke ...
Reading the Bible When Deconstructing
Cameron and Luke discuss a trend they notice in people who are deconstructing their faith. Many times, people are reacting to harsh, heavy-handed preaching. Too often,...
Definitions of Success
Cameron & Luke discuss how they define "success" in their lives. Inspired by "Leveling Up" by Ryan Leak, the weave between the personal and the professional in search ...
Leading with Consistency
In this episode, we discuss our experience attending the Global Leadership Summit in Chicago. We reflect on the benefits of attending in person and highlight key speak...
Sin & Suffering
In this episode of the Uncut Podcast, we continue our discussion on theological neglected theological topics. We talk about Sin and the significance of understanding t...
Missing Theology
We start with an engaging question, "what are the theological truths that are missing from our modern understandings?" In this episode of the Uncut Podcast, we examine...
A New Ministry & Podcast
Welcome to the Uncut Podcast! Today, we discuss the challenges of opening up without fear of judgment. We explore the concept of expertise and its connection to time a...
Cringe Pastors on the Internet
In this episode of the Uncut Podcast, we discuss the troubling trend of pastors behaving inappropriately during church services, the lack of accountability among churc...
Me, Jesus & My Phone
We discuss the impact of technology and social media, reflecting on the addictive nature of smartphones. We share our struggles and provide strategies for limiting pho...
Sabbaths & Sermons
This week Cameron and Luke reflect on how their understanding of the need for rest has grown over ministry. They also reflect on sermon writing and the work that goes ...
The Duggers Documentary
Pastor Cameron and Pastor Luke decide to talk about the Duggers documentary "Shiny Happy People." They hope to add some reflection and help people navigate the diffic...
Understanding The Beatitudes
One of the most famous sections of Jesus' teachings in the Bible is also one of the often most misunderstood. In response to a listener question Cameron and Luke do a ...
Consumerism & The Church
What does a mall and a church have in common? Well, hopefully nothing, but unfortunately, the mindset of consumerism continues to rise in all of our places. Cameron an...
Let’s Talk About Friendship
We all need friends, but somewhere between the schoolyard and adulthood, it gets hard. Why is it that so many of us struggle to make and maintain friendships as adults...
Role of The Holy Spirit & Pentacost
This week Cameron and Luke talk about Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, and tounges! They sift through what is clear and unclear and shed some light on some common theologic...
How do you find Volunteers?
This week Cameron and Luke reflect on the balance of pastoring and shepherding but also needing to run a church. Ministry takes people and energy, something that is of...