Mail Time! - The need for rest, Dealing with Demons, and Giving out Bibles.
It's our first Mailbag Episode! We tackle questions dealing with sabbath, demons, and when to give someone a Bible. If you want to contribute your topic or question to our mailbag you can text us at - (716) 201-9467
Pastor Cameron went on a sabbatical last year. We both take time to reflect on both of our experiences during that time, and how the need for rest and sabbath is an ongoing need. The next question leads us down the path of spiritual warfare and demons. We do our best to share what is clear from scripture and some from our own experience. We hope anyone will find this helpful and ultimately encouraging. The last question we talk about how to encourage someone with the gift of the Bible. Really it's not just the Bible people need but a relationship with someone who point them to Jesus through the Bible.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:05 - Need for Sabbath
00:25:31 - Dealing with Demons
00:50:15 - Giving out Bibles
Pastor Cameron went on a sabbatical last year. We both take time to reflect on both of our experiences during that time, and how the need for rest and sabbath is an ongoing need. The next question leads us down the path of spiritual warfare and demons. We do our best to share what is clear from scripture and some from our own experience. We hope anyone will find this helpful and ultimately encouraging. The last question we talk about how to encourage someone with the gift of the Bible. Really it's not just the Bible people need but a relationship with someone who point them to Jesus through the Bible.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:05 - Need for Sabbath
00:25:31 - Dealing with Demons
00:50:15 - Giving out Bibles